Saturday, July 4, 2009

rock climbing

My job is proving to have some intresting challenges but im also coming out of it with some lovely stories.

The past week and this coming week, I am supporting a girl with autism at a day camp, on tuesday, on our way back to the day camp from horsebacking riding, my client and i were sitting at the back of the bus. Right behind us in the wheelchair section was this prescious and hilarous boy, he was all the way at the back but wanted really badly to talk to the counslors,they couldnt hear him so they said "E, im busy, i'll talk to you when i get off the bus" and E said "oh okay then...then I'll just say wee, WEEEEEEEEEEE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE WEEEEEEEEE" he did that for the rest of the bus ride.

This is one of my favorite stories of life "okay then i'll just say wee"

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